Where I share all my tips & tricks with you!
A Christmas simmer pot/stovetop potpourri has seemed to be a hit for the last few years or so. But I thought to myself why only make a simmer pot for the Christmas season? Why not be able to enjoy the aroma of a simmer pot throughout the year…
New Zealand 2024 North Island New Zealand Trip New Zealand has always been a place that I’ve wanted to visit in my lifetime. I just didn’t think it would have happened sooner…
For years my mom has been going to these so called “quilt trips”. Every time she would tell me she was going on a “quilt trip”, I assumed these trips consist of quilting/sewing all day in different areas of the United States and going fabric shopping…
Most people have a spring cleaning to-do list. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day life. It’s easy to wipe down the counters and vacuum the floors. But spring cleaning is a way to help you clean above the basic cleaning…
Halloween Party
I knew I wanted to throw a party soon after moving into the new house. I knew Halloween was going to come up soon and starting to plan a party. At first, I wanted to do a full blown party but I knew with all that I had going on and such I didn’t want to over-stress myself. So I decided to do a smaller scale party.

2023 Carlsbad, CA Trip
Carlsbad, California will always have a special place in my heart and the surrounding areas. I partially grew up here and I have a lot of fond memories with family, friends, places, food and so much more. Even though my family doesn’t live here anymore and I haven’t visited in about 5 years or so, I will always want to go back and visit. Luckily I still have extended family and some old friends that live there…

I originally was planning a trip to a different area of Canada but with the news that my sister is moving out of the country in a few months, I knew I needed to go visit her first. So off to Buffalo, New York I went.
This trip was a little last minute, well not too last minute but I just didn’t have enough time to plan to much in advance. So like my other trip posts, here are my top suggestions and itinerary so you can plan your trip to this area as well. But feel free to read about my trip and the details….

I’ll have to admit, this isn’t my first or will be my last trip to New Braunfels, TX. My first time going, that I can remember, was when I was little. I remember making that road trip and with my family and visiting my grandparents. 19 hour drive is long enough as it is. Of course when you’re little, that road trip seems like days. A majority of my mom’s side of the family live in this area and now that my parents and some of my siblings have moved to Texas, I’m sure I’ll be visiting this area a lot move often…

View our full itinerary of our 2022 Trip to Oahu, Hawaii. We relaxed, had lots of adventures, got to enjoy so much great food and learn about the culture. It definitely won’t be the last trip. This was a trip that my husband and I have been planning for years. Ever since we got married. Of course life got in the way. And pregnancies…and kids…and building a house or two. But we decided to finally do it. It’s a trip I will always remember. I would love to go back one day but before I do I want to visit some of the other islands first.
Before we dive into this trip day by day, here’s a printable of the itinerary for you and a customizable one for your trip to plan.

All things stucco!
So you’re getting stucco done on your house? First, if you want to learn more about the stucco process, you can read it here. Otherwise let’s talk about the different types of stucco textures to pick from. Just like drywall texture (you can read about that here), stucco has a lot of different textures as well.
Like anything else, they all have their plus and minuses. But again, it all comes down to what you like most for you and your home. I broke it down to these 6 different stucco texture finishes for you…

Stucco is commonly used in the Southwest area of the United States. That’s because we have the desert and that crazy heat during the summer. Stucco is the most popular choice for the exterior of the home in the southwest because stucco can last 50+ years with proper maintenance, of course. It’s resistant to mildew, rot and mildew. But it does has its downfall, just like anything else. It can crack and chip.

There are a million different kinds and shades of paint colors. Not only can it be hard to pick the perfect paint color, it can also be hard to pick a paint sheen. Luckily, I can help you with that and make your decision a lot easier. First, let’s go through the different types of sheens.

Did you know there are a lot of different types of textures for drywall? Drywall texture is a great way to add a little character to your home. If you are achieving a specific look and style for your home, having the right drywall texture can help you accomplish the look you want…