Spring Cleaning Checklists



Spring Cleaning Checklists

Most people have a spring cleaning to-do list. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day life. It’s easy to wipe down the counters and vacuum the floors. But spring cleaning is a way to help you clean above the basic cleaning. 

What is spring cleaning? 

Spring Cleaning are thoroughly cleaning tasks that you complete in every room in your house. 

When should you do your spring cleaning?

Most of the time people will do their spring cleaning around March, April or May because the winter months are getting close to being done and you prepare yourself for the warmer months. 

But some people prefer to start after the Christmas holiday or even when the new school year starts. You can spring clean your house whenever you like. There are no rules.

How long does spring cleaning take?

A lot of this has to do with how big your house is. The bigger the house, the longer it could take. 

What are some tips and tricks with spring cleaning?

Luckily, I created checklists for each room to make it easier for you. Sometimes cleaning the entire house can be overwhelming. These checklists can help you focus on one room at a time. Each list will consist of a declutter checklist and cleaning checklist. Not only will you get your house clean but you can also declutter and get rid of stuff that you don’t use anymore.

Before you start your spring cleaning. Keep these 10 tips in mind:

  1. Declutter
  2. Always work from top to bottom
  3. In big areas, if you feel overwhelmed, start with one section at a time.(example: the kitchen, start with the island or one section of cabinets) start small!
  4. Declutter, Clean, Organize
  5. Donate, Trash, Keep
  6. Do a little bit at a time.
  7. Set up storage (make sure everything has a home).
  8. Do not just move things from one place to another.
  9. Use it or lose it. If you haven’t used it in a year, throw it out or donate it.
  10. Work through the easiest categories before tackling harder ones.